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Marketing 101 Where To Start

Marketing 101 Where to Start

If you plan to do any marketing in this day and age you must consider online marketing. This does not mean you need to be an online expert nor have the best web site but it does mean when someone searches for you they can find you. So when you search for you what is found? Hopefully they find good …

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Stress and Insomnia

The dictionary defines “stress” as: “A mentally or emotionally disruptive or upsetting condition occurring in response to adverse external influences and capable of affecting physical health, usually characterized by increased heart rate, a rise in blood pressure, muscular tension, irritability, and depression.” That is a pretty good description of how we feel on those nights when we are having a …

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Causes of Insomnia

What causes insomnia? Why is it that sometimes we just simply cannot fall asleep, or we fall asleep and a couple of hours later we are wide awake�not rested, of course, just wide awake. That is a question that has been asked over and over and over again by those who suffer from insomnia. The reason for the occasional bout …

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Defining Insomnia

Everybody has the occasional bout with insomnia. Sometimes the reason for the insomnia is apparent, and sometimes it is simply a mystery. You have done everything just like you always do it as you prepare to go to bed and go to sleep. Then you lay your head down and almost like there is an “open” button on the back …

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Why Doesn T Everyone Remember The Same Things High Performance YOUniversity

Why Doesn’t Everyone Remember the Same Things?

A bank is robbed and when the police arrive and take statements from the 3 customers they get 3 different stories. Why is that?  Didn’t they all see the same thing? You and a friend have a disagreement about what happened at some event in the past. Didn’t you both see the same things? Yes for both. But, what each …

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How We Get Deeply Programmed

How We Get Deeply Programmed

The Model of the Mind (see previous articles for more detail) shows that we first Delete, Distort, and Generalize the massive amounts of stimuli (data) that we receive every second of every day using our filters before we think or feel based upon it. The filters we use Time/Space/Matter/Energy, Meta Programs, Language, Memories, Decisions, Values, Beliefs, and Attitudes. Of those …

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Remembering Names Can Be Easy

Remembering Names Can Be Easy

Remembering names is easy, isn’t it? Why is it so many people forget the names of someone they just met? The answer can be many reasons. Most people are very self-centric. You are meeting someone and you want them to like you so you want to put your best you forward. You are thinking about what to say and what …

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Choose Your Words Carefully

Choose Your Words Carefully

When I gave took the 90 Day Challenge it was to write command statements to your unconscious mind. Those statements are important as they will be acted upon by your mind so make sure you use the best possible words to describe your commands. A poor choice in words can make a huge difference. Over the months I have been …

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90 Day Challenge – Unconscious Commands

90 Day Challenge – Unconscious Commands

“Thoughts turn into things.” – Mike Dooley, Infinite Possibilities. “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he” – Bible, Book of Proverbs, chapter 23, verse 7. And the list could go on and on. Law of Attraction, Manifesting, Positive Thinking, whatever you call it, there have been many things said about it. But what is it really? It’s …

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Thought Re Engineering Loop

Thought Re-engineering Loop

All experiences we have had in the past are stored as thoughts.  We have thoughts about future experiences that haven’t happened yet.  We experience life through our thoughts.  We feel our thoughts.  We have thoughts based on our previous thoughts. Our thoughts are who we are and the quality of our life. Note:  a thought can be a snapshot or …

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