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Mind Trash 101 Series

Life Experiences Determine Results

Mind Trash 101 Series

How much does prior experience influence our attitudes, emotions, behaviors, and our results?

If someone is 100% in alignment with what they want they get it.  100% alignment means no inner conflicts at the conscious or unconscious (subconscious) levels of your mind.  When there are inner conflicts and not 100% alignment you have competing factions inside yourself.  When that happens it is harder for you to achieve your desired results.

The source of inner conflicts can be found within our prior experiences.

Let’s look at money.

Do you believe you won’t have enough quality time for yourself and your family if you concentrate on making money?  If so, where does that belief come from?  It would come from a prior experience that would have shown you that when concentrating on making money your quality time for you and your family goes down.  Now that could come from a number of sources.  You may have experienced it first-hand.  You may have seen someone else in this situation in real life or in a movie.  Watching others is an experience that you had.  You may have read about it – still, it is an experience you had.  Hearing about it second or third hand.  Again, it’s still an experience you had.

How about the belief the only way to make money is working hard?  Again, this comes from prior experience that you either learned first-hand or picked up from elsewhere.

The key here is to understand prior experience does not strictly mean it had to physically happen to you.  If you are exposed to it, where your mind can experience it as a thought, and you accepted it, you are experiencing it.  Think about that, your experiences real or imagined are experiences.

Since the time of our birth we have been exposed to an endless amount of possible experiences.  We have an estimated 90,000 thoughts a day.  Multiply that by how many days in your life so far and you have quite a few thoughts.  I would suggest you might be aware of a minuscule fraction of them at best.

So, I would suggest that a large part of what is influencing your life is inner conflicts based on conflicting prior experiences that are outside of your awareness.  This is what is called Mind Trash.

Next week we will look into how to start being aware of your Mind Trash.

About the Author

Dr Lance KoberleinEntrepreneur, IT consultant (27+ years), NLP Trainer, Master Practitioner of NLP and Hypnotherapy, Master Coach, and ordained minister. A member of the BPO ELKs and Toastmasters, holding a Bachelor of Science in both Physics and Mathematics, PhD in Religion, and an Infinite Possibilities trainer. You can follow Dr. Lance Koberlein on Google+, and Twitter, and LinkedIn.View all posts by Dr Lance Koberlein »

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